Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm:
Step 1: Input x-axis radius rx, y-axis radius ry and ellipse center (Xc, Yc) from the user.
Step 2: Plot the initial set of points.
(Xc, Yc + ry)
(Xc, Yc - ry)
Step 3: Find the initial value of the decision parameter in region 1.
P10 = (ry^2) - (rx^2)ry + (1/4)rx^2
Step 4: If P1k < 0, the subsequent point along the ellipse centered at (0, 0) is
Xk + 1 = Xk + 1
Yk + 1 = Yk
and P1k + 1 = P1k + 2(ry^2)Xk+1 - 2(rx^2)Yk+1 + ry^2
where 2(ry^2)Xk+1 = 2(ry^2)Xk + 2(ry^2) and
Step 6: If P2k > 0, the subsequent point along the ellipse centered at (0, 0) is
Xk + 1 = Xk
Yk + 1 = Yk - 1
and P2k + 1 = P2k + 2(ry^2)Xk+1 - 2(rx^2)Yk+1 + rx^2
where 2(ry^2)Xk+1 = 2(ry^2)Xk + 2(ry^2) and
(Xc + x, Yc - y)
(Xc - x, Yc - y)
Step 1: Input x-axis radius rx, y-axis radius ry and ellipse center (Xc, Yc) from the user.
Step 2: Plot the initial set of points.
(Xc, Yc + ry)
(Xc, Yc - ry)
Step 3: Find the initial value of the decision parameter in region 1.
P10 = (ry^2) - (rx^2)ry + (1/4)rx^2
Step 4: If P1k < 0, the subsequent point along the ellipse centered at (0, 0) is
Xk + 1 = Xk + 1
Yk + 1 = Yk
and P1k + 1 = P1k + 2(ry^2)Xk+1 + ry^2
Otherwise, the subsequent point along the ellipse is
Xk + 1 = Xk + 1
Yk + 1 = Yk - 1and P1k + 1 = P1k + 2(ry^2)Xk+1 - 2(rx^2)Yk+1 + ry^2
where 2(ry^2)Xk+1 = 2(ry^2)Xk + 2(ry^2) and
2(rx^2)Yk+1 = 2(rx^2)Yk +2(rx^2)
Step 5: Find the initial value of the decision parameter in region 2.
P20 = (ry^2)(X0 + 1/2)^2 - (rx^2)(y0 - 1)^2 + (rx^2)(ry^2)Step 6: If P2k > 0, the subsequent point along the ellipse centered at (0, 0) is
Xk + 1 = Xk
Yk + 1 = Yk - 1
and P2k + 1 = P2k - 2(rx^2)Yk+1 + rx^2
Otherwise, the subsequent point along the ellipse is
Xk + 1 = Xk + 1
Yk + 1 = Yk - 1and P2k + 1 = P2k + 2(ry^2)Xk+1 - 2(rx^2)Yk+1 + rx^2
where 2(ry^2)Xk+1 = 2(ry^2)Xk + 2(ry^2) and
2(rx^2)Yk+1 = 2(rx^2)Yk +2(rx^2)
Step 7: Find the symmetric points in all other quadrants.
Step 8: Plot the above calculated pixel(x, y) onto the elliptical path of an ellipse centered at (Xc, Yc) and plot the co-ordinates.
(Xc + x, Yc + y)
(Xc - x, Yc + y)(Xc + x, Yc - y)
(Xc - x, Yc - y)
Step 9: Repeat the above steps for region 1 until 2(ry^2)X >= 2(rx^2)Y
Step 10: Repeat the above steps for region 2 until Y > 0.
Write a C program to implement midpoint ellipse algorithm
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <dos.h>
int main() {
/* request auto detection */
int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, err;
long midx, midy, xradius, yradius;
long xrad2, yrad2, twoxrad2, twoyrad2;
long x, y, dp, dpx, dpy;
/* initialize graphic mode */
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "C:/TURBOC3/BGI");
err = graphresult();
if (err != grOk) {
/* error occurred */
printf("Graphics Error: %s\n",
return 0;
/* x axis radius and y axis radius of ellipse */
xradius = 100, yradius = 50;
/* finding the center postion to draw ellipse */
midx = getmaxx() / 2;
midy = getmaxy() / 2;
xrad2 = xradius * xradius;
yrad2 = yradius * yradius;
twoxrad2 = 2 * xrad2;
twoyrad2 = 2 * yrad2;
x = dpx = 0;
y = yradius;
dpy = twoxrad2 * y;
putpixel(midx + x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx + x, midy - y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy - y, WHITE);
dp = (long) (0.5 + yrad2 - (xrad2 * yradius) + (0.25 * xrad2));
while (dpx < dpy) {
x = x + 1;
dpx = dpx + twoyrad2;
if (dp < 0) {
dp = dp + yrad2 + dpx;
} else {
y = y - 1;
dpy = dpy - twoxrad2;
dp = dp + yrad2 + dpx - dpy;
/* plotting points in y-axis(top/bottom) */
putpixel(midx + x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx + x, midy - y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy - y, WHITE);
dp = (long)(0.5 + yrad2 * (x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5) +
xrad2 * (y - 1) * (y - 1) - xrad2 * yrad2);
while (y > 0) {
y = y - 1;
dpy = dpy - twoxrad2;
if (dp > 0) {
dp = dp + xrad2 - dpy;
} else {
x = x + 1;
dpx = dpx + twoyrad2;
dp = dp + xrad2 - dpy + dpx;
/* plotting points at x-axis(left/right) */
putpixel(midx + x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy + y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx + x, midy - y, WHITE);
putpixel(midx - x, midy - y, WHITE);
/* deallocate memory allocated for graphic screen */
return 0;
Output: (Draw an ellipse using midpoint ellipse algorithm)
it working superb..
ReplyDeleteWhat does the getmaxx function do???please help??
ReplyDeleteits a self program i want a program user will enter all the co-ordinates
ReplyDeleteto khud kar na
Deleteyes this worked , thank you .