- c program to print "Hello World" without using semicolon
- c program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable
- c program to add two numbers without third variable
- c program to convert plain to cipher text and cipher to plain text
- c program to convert year to roman equivalent
- c program to calculate age in years, months and days
- c program to implement digital clock
- c program to check whether a date is valid or not
- c program to find largest digit of a number
- c program to implement ceaser cipher
- c program to swap nibble in a byte
- c program to calculate nCr and nPr
- c program to print even, odd and prime factors of a given number
- c program to check whether a given number is magic number or not
- c program to find the greatest of two numbers without using if statement
- c program to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not
- c program to find reverse of a given number
- c program to print digits of a number in words
- c program to find whether the given number is prime or not
- c program to find sum of digits in a given number
- c program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
- c program to check whether the given number is Fibonacci or not
- c program to check whether a number is perfect or not
- c program to display Floyd's triangle
- c program to check big endian or little endian
- c program to print Adam numbers from 1 to 1000
- c program to print the abundant numbers from 1 to n
- c program to print first n non-abundant numbers
- c program to print non-Fibonacci numbers
- c program to convert decimal to roman equivalent
- c program to convert Big Endian to Little Endian - Endianness
- c program to convert Little Endian to Big Endian - Endianness
- c program to convert float to string
- c program to add two numbers without using addition operator
- c program to subtract two numbers without using arithmetic operator
- c program to multiply two numbers without using multiplication operator
- c program to divide two numbers without using division operator
- c program to print subsets of the given set
- c program to convert decimal to binary using bit-wise operator
- c program to add two numbers using bit-wise operator
- c program to multiply two numbers using bit-wise operator
- c program to set, reset, check, clear and toggle a bit
- c program to swap two numbers using xor
- c program to find the size of given data type without using sizeof operator
- c program to shift the bits of a number(left shift and right shift)
- c program to toggle nth bit
- c program to rotate bits of a number
- c program to toggle odd bits
- c program to reverse a string without using library function(strrev)
- c program to concatenate two strings without using library function(strcat)
- c program to compare two strings without using library function(strcmp)
- c program to find the length of the given string without using strlen
- c program to copy one string to another without using strcpy
- c program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
- c program to sort names in descending order
- c program to check whether a sub string is present in a given string
- c program to find the number of unique characters in a string
- c program to convert string to integer without using atoi
- c program to convert string to float without using atof
- c program to count the frequency of characters in a string
- c program to remove duplicates characters in a string
- c program to find the most and least frequent character in a string
- c program to rotate a string
- c program to trim a string
- c program to wrap a text
- c program to print all interleaving of two strings
- c program to implement Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
- c program to perform sequential search
- c program to check whether a matrix is symmetric or not
- c program to perform scalar matrix multiplication
- c program to perform strassen's matrix multiplication
- c program to implement matrix chain multiplication
- c program to find saddle point of a matrix
- c program to calculate the balance index of the given array
- c program to find the norm of a matrix
- c program to implement latin square using arrays
- c program to find the rank of a matrix
- c program to find the inverse of a matrix
- c program to find the union of two arrays
- c program to find the intersection of two arrays
- c program to print the given array in spiral form
- c program to rotate an array left by n places
- c program to rotate a matrix right by n places
- c program to sort array element based on their frequency
- c program to check whether the given array is a subset of another array
- c program to delete duplicate elements from an array
- c program to print unique elements in an array
- c program to find transpose of a matrix
- c program to add two matrices without using third matrix
- c program to find the size of the given array without using sizeof operator
- c program to remove duplicates in an array
- c program to sort numbers in ascending and descending order
- c program to swap two numbers using call by reference
- c program to perform bubble sort using recursion
- c program to print subset of a set using recursion
- c program to check prime number or not using recursion
- c program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not using recursion
- c program to reverse a string using recursion
- c program to calculate factorial using recursion
- c program to implement binary search using recursion
- c program to print first n natural numbers using recursion
- c program to add two numbers using recursion
- c program to subtract two numbers using recursion
- c program to multiply two numbers using recursion
- c program to divide two numbers using recursion
- c program to reverse any number using recursion
- c program to find the length of a string using recursion
- c program to copy string using recursion
- c program to copy string using pointers
- c program to concatenate two strings using pointers
- c program to find length of a string using pointers
- c program to compare two strings using pointers
- c program to sort names using pointers
- c program for student record using structure
- c program to sort characters in each words of a file
- c program to convert text file to binary
- c program to split a file to multiple files
- c program to find the file type, permission, size and last modification date of the given file
- c program to encrypt and decrypt contents of a file
- c program to eliminate comments from a file
- c program to delete a record from a file
- c program to merge two files
- c program to move a file to different location
- c program to delete a file or directory
- c program to list all files in a directory recursively
- c program to compare two files character by character
- c program to concatenate two files
- c program to delete all blank lines in a file
- c program to check whether a directory exists or not
- c program to check whether a file exists or not
- c program to print "Hello World"
- c program to print "Hello World" without using semicolon
- c program to swap two numbers
- c program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- c program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- c program to convert time in Hours:Minutes:Seconds to seconds
- c program to find the area of triangle given three sides
- c program to calculate Simple Interest
- c program to print multiplication table from 1 to n
- c program to check whether the given year is leap year or not
- c program to find the size of basic data types
- c program to find the area and circumference of a circle
- c program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
- c program to add two numbers
- c program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable
- c program to check whether the given number N is divisible by M
- c program to add two fractions
- c program to add two numbers without third variable
- c program to convert improper fraction to mixed fraction
- c program to convert centimeters to inches and feet
- c program to convert feet to inches
- c program to convert days into months and days
- c program to convert kilometers to miles, meters and feet
- c program to convert kilometer per hour to meter per second
- c program to convert kilograms to pounds and grams
- c program to convert minutes into hours
- c program to convert time in seconds to hours, minutes and seconds
- c program to convert hours, minutes to seconds
- c program to convert meter to feet and centimeters
- c program to convert plain to cipher text and cipher to plain text
- c program to convert pounds to kilograms
- c program to convert radians to degrees
- c program to convert year to roman equivalent
- c program to calculate compound interest
- c program to calculate power of a number
- c program to calculate factorial
- c program to find the area & perimeter of a circle, triangle, square and rectangle
- c program to calculate age in years, months and days
- c program to find absolute value of a given number
- c program to calculate age from date of birth
- c program to calculate body mass index
- c program to calculate distance between two points
- c program to calculate Greatest Common Divisor(GCD)
- c program to calculate Highest Common Factor(HCF)
- c program to calculate Least Common Multiple(LCM)
- c program to simplify the given fraction using GCF
- c program to calculate Gross and net salary of an employee
- c program to calculate Grades
- c program to calculate GPA
- c program to calculate income tax
- c program to calculate modulus
- c program to implement digital clock
- c program to calculate profit and loss
- c program to calculate percentage
- c program to calculate PI, resistance and power
- c program to calculate square root and square of a number
- c program to calculate volume of a cylinder and sphere
- c program to calculate weighted arithmetic mean
- c program to calculate x power y
- c program to check whether a date is valid or not
- c program to convert days into years, months and weeks
- c program to print date and sleep for a given time
- c program to clear screen and authenticate user
- c program to calculate generic root of any number
- c program to find largest digit of a number
- c program to generate multiplication table for the given number
- c program to convert decimal to binary and count the number of ones and zeros
- c program to round a number
- c program to guess a random number
- c program to implement ceaser cipher
- c program to swap nibble in a byte
- c program to find slope
- c program to calculate nCr and nPr
- c program to print even, odd and prime factors of a given number
- c program to print the four digit numbers whose sum of squares of first half and second half of the number equals the same number
- c program to check whether a given number is magic number or not
- c program to calculate correlation coefficient
- c program to find the sum of all odd numbers from 1 to n
- c program to print first n positive integers that are divisible by x
- c program to find the greatest of two numbers using if statement
- c program to find the greatest of two numbers without using if statement
- c program to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not
- c program to find reverse of a given number
- c program to print digits of a number in words
- c program to find the sum of even numbers between 1 and n
- c program to find the sum of odd numbers from 1 to n
- c program to print the given pyramid of numbers
2 3 2
3 4 5 4 3
4 5 6 7 6 5 4
5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
- c program to implement menu driven calculator
- c program to find whether the given number is prime or not
- c program to find largest of three numbers
- c program to calculate electricity bill
- c program to find factorial of a given number
- c program to find sum of digits in a given number
- c program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
- c program to find whether the given number is even, prime or odd
- c program to find mean, median, variance and standard deviation
- c program to find the number of vowels and consonants in a string
- c program to generate magic square
- c program to find the sum of first n natural numbers
- c program to find the number of vowels in a given string
- c program to find the GCD of two numbers
- c program to simplify the given fraction using GCF
- c program to print the numbers whose square of sum of first half and second half of the number results the same.
- c program to check whether the given number is Fibonacci or not
- c program to find the Average of n numbers
- c program to check whether the given values are in sequence or out of sequence
- c program to sort n numbers in ascending order
- c program to sort n numbers in descending order
- c program to find the number of days between two given dates
- c program to find biggest of n numbers
- c program to find smallest of n numbers
- c program to check whether a number is perfect or not
- c program to check whether a number is positive or negative
- c program to check whether a number is strong or not
- c program to find the sum of first n odd numbers
- c program to find the sum of first n even numbers
- c program to find the sum of first n prime numbers
- c program to find the sum of squares of first n natural numbers
- c program to find the sum of cubes of first n natural numbers
- c program to find the sum of n numbers
- c program to find the sum of odd and even numbers separately
- c program to find the sum of odd & even positioned digits of a number separately
- c program to build pyramid
- c program to print star diamond pattern
- c program to convert words into numbers
- c programs to find number of digits in a number
- c program to extract digits of a number
- c program to check whether the given input is alphabet or not
- c program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant
- c program to check divisibility by n
- c program to check whether the given ASCII is special character
- c program to check whether the given number is perfect square or not
- c program to make a triangular of stars
- c program to calculate GCD of n numbers
- c program to generate pyramid of numbers
- c program to increment every digit of the given number by n
- c program to display Floyd's triangle
- c program to print right angled triangle
- c program to find the sum of infinite series
- c program to implement menu driven calculator
- c program to check big endian or little endian
- c program to illustrate goto statement
- c program to print lucky numbers
- c program to find the sum of series: 1 + (1 + 2) +..+ (1 + 2 +..+ N)
- c program to print integers from 1 to n leaving values that are divisible by x
- c program to evaluate the series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + .. + 1/N
- c program to print numbers from 1 to n that are divisible by x and indivisible by y
- c program to print Armstrong number from 1 to N
- c program to calculate factorial of first N numbers
- c program to evaluate the series 1 + 1/3 + 1/5 + ...+1/x
- c program to evaluate the series - 1 + x/1 + x/2! + x/3! + ... x/n!
- c program to evaluate the series - 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 +...+ 1/n
- c program to evaluate the series 1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! +...+n/n!
- c program to evaluate the series 1 + 2*1 + 3*2 + 4*3 + 5*4 + ... N*N-1
- c program to print first n prime numbers
- c program to evaluate sine series
- c program to evaluate cosine series
- c program to generate Fibonacci series
- c program to print Adam numbers from 1 to 1000
- c program to print the perfect numbers from 1 to n
- c program to print the abundant numbers from 1 to n
- c program to print first n non-abundant numbers
- c program to print first n even numbers
- c program to print first n odd numbers
- c program to print first n prime numbers
- c program to generate n random numbers
- c program to generate sine series
- c program to print non-Fibonacci numbers
- c program to generate Arithmetic progression(AP) series and find its sum
- c program to generate Geometric Progression(GP) series and find its sum
- c program to generate Harmonic progression(HP) series
- c program to generate cosine series
- c program to generate exponential series
- c program to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa
- c program to convert decimal to binary
- c program to convert decimal to octal number
- c program to convert decimal to hexadecimal number
- c program to convert binary to decimal number
- c program to convert ASCII to character
- c program to convert hexadecimal to decimal
- c program to convert octal to decimal
- c program to convert hexadecimal to binary
- c program to convert octal to binary
- c program to convert octal to hexadecimal
- c program to convert hexadecimal to octal
- c program to convert binary to octal
- c program to convert binary to hexadecimal
- c program to convert decimal to roman equivalent
- c program to convert hexadecimal to roman
- c program to convert octal to roman
- c program to convert binary to roman
- c program to convert roman number to decimal
- c program to convert roman number to binary
- c program to convert roman number to octal
- c program to convert roman number to hexadecimal
- c program to convert ascii to hexadecimal
- c program to convert ascii to binary
- c program to convert alphanumeric characters to ASCII values
- c program to convert alphanumeric to binary
- c program to convert string to hexadecimal
- c program to convert numeric to alphabetic
- c program to convert alphabetic to numeric
- c program to convert string to ascii
- c program to convert character array to integer array
- c program to convert float to string
- c program to convert Big Endian to Little Endian - Endianness
- c program to convert Little Endian to Big Endian - Endianness
- c program to add two numbers without using addition operator
- c program to subtract two numbers without using arithmetic operator
- c program to multiply two numbers without using multiplication operator
- c program to divide two numbers without using division operator
- c program to perform binary addition, subtraction and multiplication
- c program to print subsets of the given set
- c program to convert decimal to binary using bit-wise operator
- c program to add two numbers using bit-wise operator
- c program to multiply two numbers using bit-wise operator
- c program to set, reset, check, clear and toggle a bit
- c program to swap two numbers using xor
- c program to find the size of different data types
- c program to find the size of given data type without using sizeof operator
- c program to shift the bits of a number(left shift and right shift)
- c program to toggle nth bit
- c program to rotate bits of a number
- c program to toggle odd bits
- c program to print the ASCII values of all characters in a given string
- c program to reverse a string without using library function(strrev)
- c program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
- c program to store 10 names in an array and print each name in a line
- c program to concatenate two strings without using library function(strcat)
- c program to compare two strings without using library function(strcmp)
- c program to find the length of the given string without using strlen
- c program to copy one string to another without using strcpy
- c program to sort names in ascending order
- c program to sort names in descending order
- c program to check whether a sub string is present in a given string
- c program to replace a substring with another string
- c program to print the characters at even and odd positions of a string
- c program to arrange names in alphabetical order
- c program to print words in the string starting with the given character
- c program to calculate number of words in a string
- c program to break sentence into words
- c program to sort the characters in a given string
- c program to find the number of unique characters in a string
- c program to check whether a character is uppercase or lowercase
- c program to swap two strings
- c program to convert the string from uppercase to lowercase
- c program to convert the string from lowercase to uppercase
- c program to sort characters of a string in ascending order
- c program to sort characters of a string in descending order
- c program to delete all vowels from a sentence
- c program to delete all consonants from a string
- c program to eliminate white spaces from string
- c program to delete a character from a string
- c program to convert lowercase to uppercase and vice versa
- c program to check whether the given two strings are anagram or not
- c program to print the first and last character of a string
- c program to print alternate characters in a string
- c program to print nth character of any given string
- c program to copy specific portion of string
- c program to print escape characters
- c program to convert string to integer without using atoi
- c program to convert string to float without using atof
- c program to calculate number of characters, vowels, consonants, words and white space in a string
- c program to count the frequency of characters in a string
- c program to remove duplicates characters in a string
- c program to count the number of uppercase and lowercase characters in a string
- c program to find the smallest and largest character in a string
- c program to perform case insensitive sorting
- c program to print the duplicates in a string
- c program to remove the given character from a string
- c program to find the most and least frequent character in a string
- c program to insert character into the string at the given location
- c program to print ascii value of all alphanumeric characters
- c program to print ascii table
- c program to remove punctuation in a string
- c program to count the number of words starting with vowel
- c program to generate all possible substring of a string
- c program to rotate a string
- c program to trim a string
- c program to wrap a text
- c program to print the ascii value of all characters in a string
- c program to insert a word in a string
- c program to remove the occurrence of the word from entered string
- c program to remove duplicate words in a string
- c program to print the frequency of words in a string
- c program to print all interleaving of two strings
- c program to implement Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
- c program to perform sequential search
- c program to insert an element at a given position in an array
- c program to sort numbers in ascending and descending order
- c program to find the smallest and largest number in a array
- c program to add two matrices
- c program to find the sum and average of n numbers
- c program to find determinant of a matrix
- c program to check lower triangular matrix
- c program to check upper triangular matrix
- c program to remove duplicates in an array
- c program to insert an element in an unsorted array at given position
- c program to print upper and lower triangle of a matrix
- c program to find the number of occurrence of the given number in an array
- c program to find the sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix
- c program to find transpose of a given matrix
- c program to perform matrix multiplication
- c program to find the minimum and maximum value of each column in a given matrix
- c program to perform arithmetic operations on the given complex numbers
- c program to display array elements
- c program to add two arrays
- c program to find the first and last element of an array
- c program to reverse an array
- c program to find the size of the given array without using sizeof operator
- c program to separate even and odd numbers from an array
- c program to find the total and average mark of a student using arrays
- c program to print the element at the given position in an array
- c program to print the number of even, odd and prime numbers in an array
- c program to add two matrices without using third matrix
- c program to print the elements at the odd and even positions in an array
- c program to subtract two matrices
- c program to copy elements from one array to another
- c program to copy one matrix to another
- c program to compare two arrays
- c program to swap two arrays
- c program to find transpose of a matrix
- c program to find sum of diagonal elements of matrix
- c program to check whether a matrix is diagonal
- c program to find whether a matrix is an identity matrix
- c program to check lower triangular matrix
- c program to print lower triangular matrix
- c program to print upper triangular matrix
- c program to clear array contents
- c program to increment all array elements by n and print the resultant array
- c program to print unique elements in an array
- c program to insert an element into an array
- c program to delete an element from an array
- c program to delete an element at the given position in an array
- c program to delete duplicate elements from an array
- c program to find the minimum and maximum element in an array
- c program to search an element in an array
- c program to find the number of elements in an array
- c program to merge two arrays and sort the resultant array
- c program to print the frequency of elements in an array
- c program to sort array element based on their frequency
- c program to check whether the given array is a subset of another array
- c program to check whether the given array has consecutive elements or not
- c program to rotate an array right by n places
- c program to rotate an array left by n places
- c program to rotate a matrix right by n places
- c program to rotate a matrix left by n places
- c program to print the given array in spiral form
- c program to split an array at the given position and move the second part to the front
- c program to find the maximum difference between two elements in an array
- c program to find the minimum difference between two elements in an array
- c program to find the union of two arrays
- c program to find the intersection of two arrays
- c program to sort two dimensional array in ascending order
- c program to sort two dimensional array in descending order
- c program to check whether a matrix is symmetric or not
- c program to perform scalar matrix multiplication
- c program to perform strassen's matrix multiplication
- c program to implement matrix chain multiplication
- c program to find saddle point of a matrix
- c program to calculate the balance index of the given array
- c program to find the norm of a matrix
- c program to implement latin square using arrays
- c program to find the rank of a matrix
- c program to find the inverse of a matrix
- c program to swap two numbers using call by reference
- c program to illustrate function with no arguments and no return value
- c program to illustrate function with arguments and no return value
- c program to illustrate function with return value and no argument
- c program to illustrate function with arguments and return value
- c program to add two numbers using functions
- c program to swap two numbers using call by value
- c program to sort numbers in ascending order using functions
- c program to sort numbers in descending order using functions
- c program to calculate factorial of a number using functions
- c program to convert binary to decimal using functions
- c program to add two matrices using functions
- c program to pass structure to a function
- c program to merge two arrays and sort the elements
- c program to calculate mean and variance using functions
- c program to reverse a string using recursion
- c program to calculate factorial using recursion
- c program to implement binary search using recursion
- c program to print first n natural numbers using recursion
- c program to add two numbers using recursion
- c program to subtract two numbers using recursion
- c program to multiply two numbers using recursion
- c program to divide two numbers using recursion
- c program to reverse any number using recursion
- c program to find the length of a string using recursion
- c program to copy string using recursion
- c program to print uppercase characters in a string using recursion
- c program to print lowercase characters in a string using recursion
- c program to convert uppercase to lowercase using recursion
- c program to convert lowercase to uppercase using recursion
- c program to find the sum of digits of a number using recursion
- c program to find the sum of first n natural numbers using recursion
- c program to convert binary to decimal using recursion
- c program to convert decimal to binary using recursion
- c program to generate Fibonacci series using recursion
- c program to calculate power of a number using recursion
- c program to check prime number or not using recursion
- c program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not using recursion
- c program to calculate nCr using recursion
- c program to extract digits of a number using recursion
- c program to perform bubble sort using recursion
- c program to print subset of a set using recursion
- c program to find the frequency characters in a string using recursion
- c program to print address of a variable
- c program to illustrate the usage of pointers
- c program to illustrate the usage of pointers with arrays
- c program to access string using pointers
- c program to illustrate structure pointers
- c program to count the number of vowels, consonants, digits and symbols in a given string using pointers
- c program to read data from one file and write it another file
- c program to add two numbers using pointers
- c program to find the sum of n numbers using pointers
- c program to add two matrices using pointers
- c program to swap two numbers using pointers
- c program to swap two arrays using pointers
- c program to copy string using pointers
- c program to concatenate two strings using pointers
- c program to find length of a string using pointers
- c program to compare two strings using pointers
- c program to sort names using pointers
- c program to sort numbers using pointers
- c program to find the nth largest and smallest element using pointers
- c program to multiply two matrices using pointers
- c program to reverse an array using pointers
- c program to implement stack using pointers
- c program for student record using structure
- c program to store students records in a file
- c program for student record using nested structures
- c program for bank transactions
- c program to add two polynomials using structures
- c program to calculate employee salary using structures
- c program to illustrate the difference between structures and unions
- c program to find the size of structure and union without using sizeof operator
- c program to illustrate dynamic memory allocation for structure and union
- c program to create student database using structures and files
- c program to write a string into a file
- c program to read numbers from a file and write even, odd and prime numbers in separate files
- c program to create a file and store "hello world" in it
- c program to read the contents of the given file
- c program to delete all blank lines in a file
- c program to check whether a directory exists or not
- c program to check whether a file exists or not
- c program to copy a file from one location to another
- c program to create, read, edit and close a file
- c program to create a file with input content
- c program to read a file line by line
- c program to compare two files character by character
- c program to concatenate two files
- c program to convert lowercase characters in a file to uppercase
- c program to convert uppercase characters in a file to lowercase
- c program to list all files in a directory
- c program to list all files in a directory recursively
- c program to append data into a file
- c program to count number of lines in a file
- c program to delete a file or directory
- c program to print the source code of itself as output
- c program to convert the contents in a file from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa
- c program to merge two files
- c program to move a file to different location
- c program to replace articles with space in a text file
- c program to print the words in a file starting with the given character
- c program to delete given word in a file
- c program to replace a word in a file
- c program to merge alternate lines from two files
- c program to remove numbers in a file
- c program to check end of file
- c program to compare two files line by line
- c program to delete specific line from a file
- c program to replace specific line in a file
- c program to take input from a file
- c program to delete a record from a file
- c program to find the number of character, words and lines in a file
- c program to sort characters in each words of a file
- c program to convert text file to binary
- c program to split a file to multiple files
- c program to find the file type, permission, size and last modification date of the given file
- c program to encrypt and decrypt contents of a file
- c program to eliminate comments from a file
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